Teaching as Inquiry
Why use inquiry as a methodology for our project?
Teachers are always engaged in inquiry around their practice, the main focus of an inquiry is the reflection on student learning - what is the impact of what I am doing?
We have specific learning goals for each student and by using digital tools we can enhance that learning. In our project we are measuring the impact of using digital tools to support student learning with the aim of raising student achievement, whilst also raising teacher e-capability.
Find out more about teaching as inquiry with an e-learning lens here.
Teaching as inquiry may be linked to the appraisal process for teachers and linked to the registered teacher criteria. This link may be helpful in providing ideas around inquiry using e-learning tools to support the RTC
The drive for teaching as inquiry is the question...
What is the impact of what I am doing?
Examples of how we might measure the impact:
Student voice
- Snap shot interviews of students
- How has your learning changed?
- What has helped you to become a better writer/reader this term?
You might just write the answers when talking to a few students, but maybe you can challenge yourself to make some quick video recordings of their responses to share with colleagues at the end of your inquiry.
Assessment data
This could be a writing sample from the beginning and end of the inquiry, a reading assessment
Think about what data you already collect and how you could use this in your inquiry.
Classroom observation
Ask a colleague to give you feedback on how the students are learning in your classroom and how that has changed as a result of what you doing with your inquiry.
They could comment on student engagement, student ability to discuss their learning process etc.
Teacher observations
Keep anecdotal notes of observations when working with your target students
- how has their learning changed?
- what is their level of engagement?
- what difference is the technology making?
Student survey
Ask students questions about their attitudes to learning record these using Vokaroo or video clip for student. These recordings can be used to document impact from inquiry.
As you design your inquiry you need to be thinking about the ways that you will be able to show the impact of this work at the end of the term and embed this in your inquiry. Video, audio, snapshots of work, written reflections and assessment data can all inform the outcome of your inquiry. This will help you analyze what your next steps will be.
Angie and Lynne's ULearn Teaching as Inquiry Presentation